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  5. Maison Laponte
  6. Massimo Sabbadin
  7. MD75
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MD75 for Clothes

MD75 is an Italian brand born in 2013 and characterized by a contemporary and revolutionary mood. Inspired by Northern Europe, it develops a line of avant-garde knitwear. Every creation of MD75 is characterized by a Gothic aesthetic, colors inspired by the nuances of the night and a modern silhouette. Every garment has long, dry and asymmetrical shapes.

MD75 COLLECTION has a great impact and high quality, and it includes clothes made with soft fabrics, well finished and decorated with crafted details. Check out and BUY MD75&

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  • MD75 t-shirt 47011640
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011090
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    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011500
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    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011230
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011440
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011370
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011020
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 t-shirt 47011300
    Sold out

    MD75 t-shirt

  • MD75 pants 47011950
    Sold out

    MD75 pants

  • MD75 pants 45001910
    Sold out

    MD75 pants
