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  1. WINTER 2021
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  2. KD2024
  3. Maison Laponte
  4. Midgard
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KD2024 for Accessories

KD2024 is an accessories label. Everything is 100% handmade. Combining unique and authentic designs made of a blend of 925 silver, 18k gold, bronze, natural stones, buffalo horn, elephant jaw, deer bone, de-constructed leather and reptile skins. KD2024 is a shiny, psychedelic dagger into the heart of fashion. A passion supported by creativity that drive the whole journey to freedom. Join KD2024 into a new dimension and change your mind.

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  • KD2024 Accessories 37000030
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    KD2024 Accessories

  • KD2024 Accessories 42027550
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    KD2024 Accessories

  • KD2024 Bracelet 35051080
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    KD2024 Bracelet

  • KD2024 ring octopus 38021690
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    KD2024 ring octopus

  • KD2024 ring 39022010
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    KD2024 ring

  • KD2024 Ring 37006150
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    KD2024 Ring
