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  8. Under the Sign
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  10. Yezael
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    150 -  231

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Yezael for Man

Yezael is a menswear and womenswear collection created in 2014 and designed by Angelo Cruciani.


Yezael is the angel of encounters, love and togetherness - a concept emphasized in the brand logo by the circle connecting the 3 branches of the letter Y.


Angelo Cruciani, with Yezael, channels a precise, explicit, maximalist, embellished and sexy style that erases th

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  • Yezael t-shirt 47009360
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    Yezael t-shirt

  • Yezael t-shirt 47009140
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    Yezael t-shirt

  • Yezael t-shirt 47009160
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    Yezael t-shirt
